Presenting "Dignity Blooms", a panel quilted during the Covid-19 lockdown. The rich shades of blue - navy, cobalt and royal - to reflect honesty and trustworthiness, emerald greens for harmony, freshness and renewal, and fuchsias to inspire confidence and assurance for the days ahead.
These colours almost jump out through the quilting of a single large lush bloom. Look closely to see if you can spot the 4 living organisms, a bird, a bumble bee, a ladybird and a butterfly hiding on the petals.
Approximate dimensions: 106 cm X 106 cm
As part of our fundraising efforts, this quilt will be auctioned off to the highest bidder, with proceeds going towards the renovation efforts of our new facility. The artist will generously match the winning bid amount dollar for dollar to Project Dignity.
Viewing of artwork from 1 October, 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. Photography allowed.
Online auction period from 1am, 1 October 2020 to 4pm 15 October 2020
Please send us your email address through
call +65 6333 5668, WhatsApp +65 8223 0954 or email
to register your interest or for more details.
呈现“尊严盛开”; 一张李学芬夫人手缝棉被 “尊严盛开”是在2019年新型冠状肺炎(Covid-19)阻断措施实行期间缝制的。 丰富的蓝色背景 – 深蓝色,钴蓝色和皇家色调 - 体现了诚实和可信赖,翡绿色代表和谐,清新和更新,而紫红色则激发了人们对未来的信心和保证。 这些色彩在缝制中几乎像一朵盛开的花朵绽放出来。 如果仔细观察,看看您是否可以发现一只鸟,一只蝴蝶,一只瓢虫和一只蜜蜂藏在花瓣上。 这将是张引人注目,令人惊叹,鼓舞人心的壁挂。 尺寸大约:106厘米 x 106厘米 公开观赏:2020年10月1日上午9:30 –下午2:30 网上拍卖期:2020年10月1日 上午1:00 - 2020年10月15日下午4:00 如有兴趣请联系我们!
