Dignity Mama
Enabling young adults with disabilities to gain basic entrepreneurial skills and lead independent lives
Providing Sustainable Long Term Relief
Our micro-enterprise model provides caregivers and young adults with special needs the ability to start small businesses. Through a steady supply of a zero-cost product, the kiosks are a powerful and sustainable way for young adults with special needs to gain basic entrepreneurial skills with supportive caregivers.
Affordable Books
All books are generous contributions from our patrons, sorted by Dignity Mama staff and priced reasonably.
Encourage Reading
Through our book drop-offs, we hope to encourage a culture of giving and reading among Singaporeans.
Reduce Waste
At the same time, cultivate a socially-conscious, greener mindset towards unwanted items and abandoned books.
Located Across Major Hospitals in Singapore
A pilot project that started in 2012, Dignity Mama has now grown to four stalls located in Singapore hospitals. Since then, we’ve kept 50 thousand books out of landfills and instead created employment opportunities for young adults with special needs.
Please note that only Dignity Mama Ng Teng Fong & NUH accept book drop offs 📦.
The Project Dignity office is no longer a drop off location.
Due to space constraints, we can only accept up to 3 grocery bags/3 A4 sized boxes of books at book drop offs locations
For enquiries, please WhatsApp/SMS to 8363 5072.
Books We Accept
Children’s books: We accept story books and comics (For e.g. Tin Tin, Pokemon)
Adult Fiction: NO science fiction
Adult Non-fiction: We accept management, business, finance, health/wellness, family/parenting, photography, interior design, computer science books.
Magazines: National Geographic, Reader’s Digest, Young Scientist, Adventure Science
Books We Reject
Books in Poor Condition
Old, brown and spotted
Dog ears, jottings, markings, drawings, watermarks, markings and highlighted pages
Used workbooks or textbooks
Photocopied notes and books
Strange odour
Books with Controversial Content
Religious, political or sexual content
Banned books
Outdated books: We do not stock books published before 2000.
Travel books: We only stock from 2015 onwards.
Non English books: We only accept them on a case-by-case basis
Other items: We will reject all multimedia including DVD, CDs, tapes, and any other used items like clothes, shoes or soft toys.
Disposal of all unsuitable donations will be at our sole discretion.